Tom Flídr Freelance web developer, trainer & consultant,
primary platforms: JS/PHP/C#/VB.NET/MySQL/MSSQL
College-preparatory school (2001 – 2005)
IT skills
years of professional use focus
  • JavaScript 17 years Node.JS, Ext.JS, Vue, Create.JS …
  • PHP 15 years Pimcore CMS, Laminas, Nette, MvcCore
  • MySQL, MariaDB 15 years DB scripting, replications
  • C# 9 years .NET Core, ASP.NET, MVC, WPF, WinForms
  • MSSQL 8 years Win., Linux, DB scripting
  • VB.NET 7 years
  • Linux, Shell 7 years LAMP, Zabbix, Gitea, iRedMail
  • TypeScript 5 years
  • HTML, CSS 18 years pure or by Less
  • CI/CD 14 years GIT, Mercurial, SVN, Trac, Jira, Pupeteer, Selenium, Unit testing
  • XML 12 years SOAP, DTD, XSD, XSLT
  • C++, Python, Java pasive
Graphics software
  • Adobe Suite 17 years Ps, Ae, Au, An, Ai, Id
  • Corel Draw, Paint Shop Pro 12 years
  • Autodesk 3DS MAX 12 years
Other skills
Driver's license Category B (Class D in US)
My family, DIY, writing poetry, swimming, cycling, red wine.

Tomas Flidr (view complete resume) (view complete resume online)


I'm an experienced web developer with various overlaps. I like solutions
with minimal dependencies and with focus on performance and longevity.
I don't surf on dev fashion and carefully consider my decisions and time.

Open source (view all)

MvcCore PHP MVC framework for both single-file tools and complex systems.

Desharp .NET debug utility for web/desktop.

Web Dev Server Comfort dev in Node.JS with "hot reload" feature.

Ext.TS Transpiler for Ext.JS docs to TS.

Professional Experience

2008 present Lecturing (Freelancer)
  • Agencies: ICT Pro Ltd (majority), LearnQuest Inc, PC DIR Ltd, NICOM plc, PROFIMA Ltd
  • Delivery of TOP courses for the most demanding companies with professional dev teams:
    IBM, Česká spořitelna, Komerční banka,, Avast, ESET, Bosch, Foxconn…
  • Customized courses, training for international corporations in English with LearnQuest Inc.
  • More than 150 courses delivered over 17 years, with average student rating 1.35 (of 5).
2022/03 2024/11 Dendera plc (Freelancer)
  • Architecting a modular IS for resale to other clients, development in PHP/TS/MSSQL/C++.
  • Project planning, leading the development team, application server administration.
2021/01 2021/02 JiPeKO Kitchens Ltd (Freelancer)

Complete delivery - graphics, web design and company website without CMS (PHP/MariaDB).

2018/11 2021/12 Smart-CON Ltd (Freelancer)
  • 2021/02 2021/12 PhoneAgenda

    Complete delivery of IS for SIM billing and contract management, PHP/TS/MSSQL, LTS.

  • 2018/11 2020/10 R-WEBDOG

    Complete delivery of IS for mobile routers across EU (remotely accessible). Dev in PHP/Ext.JS/ TS/MariaDB. Live infrastructure migration, massive data aggregation, LTS 24/7 for IS and servers.

2018/03 2018/05 Veterinary Research Institute (Freelancer)

Complete delivery of graphics, web design and international portal on Pimcore CMS, EU project.

2015/09 2016/06 ICT Pro Ltd - development (Freelancer)

New generation IS - structure, domains, web design, data migration, devops in C#.NET/MSSQL.

2015/05 2015/08, formerly ATWEB Consulting Ltd (Freelancer)

4-member team work, devops by tickets, in PHP (Zend)/JS/MySQL, custom CMS, 14 languages.

2012/10 2015/03 Startup OMNES PRODUCTS Ltd (Freelancer)

Delivery of multiple projects, IT management, complete IS development, graphics, advertising.

2012/10 – 2012/12 – later integrated into the brand.
2013/03 – 2015/03 – development of a multi-domain e-shop for food sales.
2012/08 2012/10 Book Adobe Photoshop CS6, co-author (Freelancer)

Texts and graphics for topics: masking (bg change), vanishing point, effects, HDR, plugins…

2011/10 2012/08;; (Freelancer)

Choka - partial delivery without design, custom e-shop on Pimcore CMS; FloorMAX - complete delivery, next features on my e-shop; Imperastyl - 2-member team work, web design and coding.

2011/07 2011/10 PORTA DESIGN Ltd (Freelancer)

International Documentary Film Festival - 2-member team work (with web designer), web portal development, custom e-shop, archive development. VPS management with Linux CentOS.

2010/09 2011/07, formerly Twobits Ltd (Freelancer)

Front-end devops in team with 2 developers, web design, graphics, search site

2009/07 2010/06; (Freelancer)

2-member team work, web design, HTML/CSS/JS; Complete delivery, custom CMS, real estates.

2006/02 2009/06 STUDENT AGENCY plc (Full-time employment)

Graphics (online ads, short commercials, print), later webdesign and front-end devops,
worked in 2 to 3-member teams. Sites:,,, and more.

This version of the resume is shorter, view the full resume.